Tips To Buy a Popcorn Machine

Everyone feels hungry in the evening and needs an evening snack to munch on. The general evening snack options include chips, fries, cookies, etc. which forms a part of junk food. When you have a healthy snack option, it does not take toll on your overall health.

One of the best and healthy snacks is the popcorn. The plain variant of the popcorn does not contain any calories and thus, it is the best snack even for patients suffering from various diseases.

How Popcorn is prepared?

Preparation of the popcorn is the easiest task. On heating, the corn kernel, the starch within the corn grain gets heated up. This helps the starch to swell and corn gets popped. The process of making the popcorn's is very quick and you can make a large quantity of popcorn at a time.

About Popcorn Machine:

There are many different types of popcorn machines available in the market. You can select the best popcorn machine based on your needs. There are some important points which you must consider while buying the popcorn machine. Some important buying tips include:
  • Machine Type: The popcorn machines are of two types. One of these uses the wet method to make the popcorn while other uses the dry method. In the wet method, you need to add the oil to aid the process of heating the corn kernels. The dry method uses the hot air to pop the corn kernels.

    One can select any of the machines based on which type of popcorn they need. The dry method of popcorn makes the healthier popcorn as they are oil free.

  • Use: You can select the popcorn machine based on the quantity of popcorn needed. There are machines available for commercial as well as home use. The major difference in these machines is the load.

    The commercial ones help in making the bulk quantity of popcorn while the home use machine is for a smaller quantity.  The commercial machines are bulkier while the home use machines are compact and handy. You can select the machine as per your requirements.

  • Size of Kettle: Different popcorn machines are available based on the size. This size here means the size of the kettle and it defines the input load of the grains added to the machine. The smallest capacity machine holds 4-8 oz or grains while the largest one holds up to 32 oz grains. Depending on the requirement, you can select the best suitable popcorn machine.

  • Budget: The different types and sizes of the machine have different cost. Various brands of the machines also have variable costing. You can set a fixed budget that you wish to spend to buy the best popcorn maker.

    Depending on that budget you can buy the most suitable machine. It is not necessary that the cheapest of all machines will give the best results and so, do not compromise on the quality.

  • Wattage: Wattage is a crucial factor which determines the rate of heating of the kettle. More the wattage of the machine means more quickly the corn kernels pop. It is also seen that more quickly popped corns are not tastier. Thus, the wattage of the machine should be optimum to make the tastier popcorn.
Thus, you have to look into each of the above factors minutely to select the best popcorn maker. To help in this selection you can opt for the machine which helps you to save money while making healthier popcorn.
